2022 Technical Program Committee

The Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms Conference Technical Program Committee is comprised of researchers and educators throughout the world who have been working in the field for many years. The committee is dedicated to the dissemination of information that can assist in the improvement of research for decades to come. They have taken the time to ensure all information presented at this conference is of the highest quality, as well as relevant and scientifically accurate. 

Carl Percival, Chair Adviser

Jet Propulsion Laboratory - NASA

Carl Percival is an atmospheric chemist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. His research is in three main areas: the first is the development of methods to directly observe fundamental gas phase kinetics of key reactions of atmospheric importance in the laboratory. The second area of work focuses on the development of novel analytical techniques to quantify trace species in the atmosphere and the third area is on the study of the interaction of gases with aerosols.email link

Alex Archibald, Lead Chair

University of Cambridge

Alex Archibald is an atmospheric chemist, who focuses on using computer models and observations to understand how man-made and natural emissions affect climate and air quality. He is a Reader and group leader for the atmospheric chemistry modelling group in the Department of Chemistry and is the Science Director of the UKCA model (www.ukca.ac.uk). In addition he is the atmospheric composition theme leader for the NERC ACSIS project (www.acsis.ac.uk), which is looking at the causes and effects of climate and atmospheric composition change in the North Atlantic region.email link

 Havala Pye, Lead Chair

US Environmental Protection Agency

Dr. Pye is a research scientist in the US EPA Office of Research and Development where she uses computer models to understand what governs chemicals in air: from emissions through chemical and physical transformation and ultimately removal. Dr. Pye is currently leading efforts to build a new chemical mechanism for use in CMAQ and other models that couples gas and organic aerosol chemistry. Dr. Pye is a recipient of a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers. Dr. Pye received her PhD in 2011 in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Environmental Science and Engineering from the California Institute of Technology. More information about her work is available at https://havalapye.wordpress.com/.email link

Kelley Barsanti

University of California, Riverside

Kelley Barsanti is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering and the Center for Environmental Research & Technology at UC Riverside. Her research interests are in improving the process-level understanding and model representation of fine particulate matter (PM) in air quality models. Her primary research tools include comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and multi-scale mechanistic models. Current research projects include improving the speciation of organic compounds in emissions inventories for wildland fires; advancing the model representation of secondary organic PM formation in smoke plumes; and evaluating the effects of COVD-19 shelter-in-place restrictions on air quality in the Los Angeles Basin. She has authored or co-authored over 50 papers on these and related topics. email link

Kelvin Bates

Harvard & UC Davis

Kelvin Bates is a Research Associate at Harvard (with Daniel Jacob) and a Visiting Research Scientist at UC Davis (with Tran Nguyen). He studies the oxidation and aerosol formation mechanisms of atmospheric organic compounds using environmental chamber experiments, as well as the regional and global effects of those mechanisms using chemical transport modeling. He received his PhD in Chemistry from Caltech (with John Seinfeld and Paul Wennberg) and was previously a NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoc at Harvard.email link

Ellie Browne

University of Colorado, Boulder

Ellie is an Assistant Professor in the Chemistry department at the University of Colorado Boulder and a fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences. Prior, she received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California Berkeley and was a NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT. Her current research focuses on reduced nitrogen chemistry, new particle formation and growth, and atmospheric chemistry of planetary atmospheres (e.g., Titan, Archean Earth).email link

Rebecca Caravan

Argonne National Laboratory

Rebecca Caravan is an Assistant Chemist at Argonne National Laboratory. Her research focuses on the fundamental chemical kinetics, reaction mechanisms, and tropospheric impacts of intermediates such as carbonyl oxide Criegee intermediates and peroxy radicals via direct laboratory studies using both tabletop and synchrotron techniques. Before joining Argonne, she received her PhD from the University of Leeds, was a postdoctoral researcher at Sandia National Laboratories (with Dr. Craig A. Taatjes) and an NPP fellow at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (with Dr. Carl Percival).email link

Matthew Coggon

Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences / NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory

Matt Coggon is a research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory. Matt's research is focused on quantifying the emissions and chemical transformation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Matt's present research is focused on the emissions and atmospheric chemistry of VOCs emitted from biomass burning and volatile chemical products.email link

Emma D'Ambro


Emma D’Ambro received a bachelor’s in Chemistry from Le Moyne College in Syracuse, NY in 2013. She then attended the University of Washington in Seattle to study biogenic SOA formation via chemical ionization mass spectrometry, chemically explicit box modeling, and quantum rate calculations. She joined the EPA as a post-doc in 2019 to study the emissions and fate of PFAS using their flagship air quality model, CMAQ. In 2021 she became a permanent employee at the EPA, continuing her work on PFAS and SOA.email link

Louisa Emmons

National Center for Atmospheric Research

Louisa Emmons is a Senior Scientist in the Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. Her research interests focus on the integration of measurements with models to investigate the impact of sources and their chemical evolution on tropospheric composition. She is part of the team leading the development of MUSICA (MUlti-scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols, https://www2.acom.ucar.edu/sections/multi-scale-chemistry-modeling-musica) and has been leading the development of CAM-chem, a component of the Community Earth System Model (CESM). email link

Tzung-May Fu

Southern University of Science and Technology

Tzung-May Fu is a Professor at the School of Environment of Southern University of Science and Technology, China. Her research interests are in air pollution, global and regional atmospheric chemistry, and chemistry-climate interactions. Research topics include organic gases and organic aerosols, tropospheric ozone, climate-air quality interactions, cloud-aerosol interactions, remote sensing and inverse modeling of atmospheric constituents, pollutant long-range transport, and air-sea exchange of organics. email link

Jim Kelly


Jim is an Environmental Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where he leads the Air Quality Assessment Division's PM NAAQS Review Team. Prior to this, he held positions at the California Air Resources Board, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the CIIT Centers for Health Research related to air quality modeling and particle dosimetry. Jim earned a PhD from UC Davis with a dissertation on water uptake by atmospheric particles.email link

James Lee

University of York / NCAS

Research professor for the NERC National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS), with responsibility for coordinating experimental observations in the field of tropospheric oxidant chemistry. Research interest in the primary emission sources of gas phase air pollutants (such as NOx and CO) and greenhouse gases such as (CO2 and CH4) from urban areas, with the aim of understanding how and where these pollutants are emitted from and how this relates to estimates from emission inventories. Also carry our research into tropospheric gas phase processes, with particular interest in the chemistry of ozone (O3). This involves the measurement of O3 precursors (Nitrogen Oxides - NOx and Volatile Organic Compounds - VOCs), both at long term stations (e.g. in Cape Verde) and during ground, ship and aircraft based field studies.email link

Max McGillen

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Max McGillen is an atmospheric scientist with a continued interest in observing gas-phase chemical processes. He has held positions in the UK, the USA and most recently in France, where he is a permanent member of the research faculty at the Institut de Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivité et Environnement, at CNRS Orléans. His studies focus on gas-phase reactivity and photochemistry using whatever methods are available: spectroscopic, mass spectrometric or chromatographic; direct or indirect; absolute or relative. In addition, Max maintains a strong interest in structure-activity relationships, data collation and evaluation.email link

Nga Lee (Sally) Ng

Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Nga Lee (Sally) Ng is a professor and Tanner Faculty Fellow in the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and the School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She earned her doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology and was a postdoctoral scientist at Aerodyne Research Inc. Dr. Ng’s research focuses on the understanding of the chemical mechanisms of aerosol formation and composition, as well as their health effects. Her group combines laboratory chamber studies and ambient field measurements to study aerosols using advanced mass spectrometry techniques. Dr. Ng’s research contribution has been recognized by the Sheldon K. Friedlander Award and the Kenneth T. Whitby Award from the American Association for Aerosol Research. Dr. Ng is currently leading collaborative efforts to establish the Atmospheric Science and mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT) in the US.email link

Matti Rissanen

Tampere University

Matti Rissanen is currently a tenure track associate professor and the lead of the Radical Aerosol Physical Chemistry research group in the Aerosol Physics laboratory of the Tampere University. He obtained his M.Sc. (Honors) and Ph.D. (Laudatur) from the Physical Chemistry laboratory of the University of Helsinki studying the temperature- and pressure-dependent kinetics of gas-phase free radical reactions. He is an author of over 90 publications, and his main research focuses on the in situ formation of atmospheric aerosol precursors and the related development of research instrumentation. He is a Finnish Academy Research Fellow and a holder of the prestigious European Research Council Consolidator Grant.email link

Zongbo Shi

University of Birmingham

Professor Zongbo Shi is a Chair in Atmospheric Biogeochemistry at the University of Birmingham. Zongbo did his PhD in China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing). He was awarded a JSPS fellowship in 2005 and a NERC (Natural Environment Research Council) Independent Fellowship and then Birmingham University Fellowship in 2011. He is a member of the NERC Advisory Network. He is currently leading a research group focusing on sources, processes and impacts of air pollution. He has worked extensively on biogeochemical cycling of atmospheric nutrients such as iron and their impacts on ocean primary production. More recently his research focused on air pollution sources and processes in both polluted (e.g., Beijing, Delhi, Birmingham) and remote regions (e.g., polar regions) through field, laboratory and data science approaches. He coordinated a major UK-China joint research programme – Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health in a Chinese Megacity (APHH-China, 2016-2021). email link

Melissa Venecek

California Air Resources Board

Member of the atmospheric modeling and support section at the California Air Resource Board. Received a PhD in atmospheric sciences from the University of California, Davis with an emphasis on air quality modeling and emissions processing. Research interests include characterization of gas and particle phase emission sources, spatial allocation of area-wide emission sources, identification of toxic air contaminants and health risks on impacted communities, gas-phase reactions of volatile organic compounds and VOC contribution to ozone formation (reactivity)email link

Patrick Veres

NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory

Patrick is a research chemist at the NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory in Boulder, CO. Before joining NOAA as a research chemist in 2018, Patrick received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Colorado, Boulder; was a postdoc at the Max Plank Institute for Chemistry; and then was a research scientist at CIRES/NOAA. Patrick's research focuses on the development and application of chemical ionization mass spectrometry for airborne sampling of trace gases. His research focuses on reactive inorganic species with recent interests that include marine sulfur oxidation, heterogeneous reactions of atmospheric gases and aerosol, and reactive halogen species in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.email link