2018 Program Committee

The Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms Conference Committee is comprised of researchers and educators throughout the world who have been working in the field for many years. The committee is dedicated to the dissemination of information that can assist in the improvement of research for decades to come. They have taken the time to ensure all information presented at this conference is of the highest quality, as well as relevant and scientifically accurate. 

Alex Archibald email link

Lecturer, University of Cambridge, Department of Chemistry

Marie Camredonemail link

Assistant Professor, LISA - CNRS/UPEC/UPD

Ajith Kaduwelaemail link

Senior Staff Scientist, California Air Resources Board

Henrik Kjaergaardemail link

Professor, University of Copenhagen, Department of Chemistry

Jesse Kroll email link

Associate Professor, MIT

Deborah Luecken email link

National Exposure Research Laboratory, US EPA

Sasha Madronichemail link

Senior Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Thomas Mentelemail link

Jülich's Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Troposphere

Tran Nguyenemail link

UC Davis

Carl Percival email link

Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory - NASA

John Wengeremail link

University College Cork, Center for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry

Lisa Whalleyemail link

Senior Research Fellow, National Center for Atmospheric Science, University of Leeds