Outreach Materials

Thank you for supporting the ACM Conference by sharing information with your colleagues and organizational partners! Below are several items that can be used and customized to fit your needs. To download and use the below graphics and outreach materials, right click on the photo or item and chose "download." If you would like some additional assistance and customization with your outreach, please email Rhanee at rppalma@ucdavis.edu

  1. ACM Flyer
  2. ACM Banner Image
  3. ACM Session Topic Image
  4. ACM Session Speakers Image
  5. ACM Abstract Invitation Letter 
  6. Recent Email Blasts

ACM Flyer

Conference Program Information (PDF)

Call for Abstracts & Session Information (PDF)

ACM Banner Image

2022 ACM Banner Logo
Presenting at ACM 2022

ACM Session Topics

ACM 2022 Topics
Emerging Air Pollutants
Health and Regulations
Mech Dev and Reduction
Modeling at scales
New Chemical Regimes
Sulfur Oxidation Advancements

ACM Session Speaker Lists

ACM Presentation - SOA
ACM Presentation - New Chemical Regimes
ACM Presentation - Modeling at Scales
ACM Presentation - Mech Dev 2
ACM Presentation - Mech Dev 1
ACM Presentation - Health and Reg
ACM Presentation - Fundamentals 4
ACM Presentation - Health and Reg
ACM Presentation - Fundamentals 4
ACM Presentation - Fundamentals 3
ACM Presentation - Fundamentals 2
ACM Presentation - Fundamentals 1
ACM Presentation - Emerging Air Pollutants


ACM Invitation to Attend

Hello _________,

I hope you are doing well. This year I am giving a Principal Presentation at the Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms (ACM) conference held through University of California, Davis. This year's conference will be in-person at UC Davis December 7-9, 2022! I presenting in the session__________________, but there are other exciting sessions that I wanted to ensure you were aware of listed below. We have many opportunities for other researchers like yourself to participate in.

I’ve attached the conference flyer below and we welcome your participation as a virtual or in-person attendee. Of course, if you know of others that might be interested, please kindly pass along the information.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Recent Email Blasts

October 26, 2022 - Explore the ACM Poster Presentations