2022 Program Topics

2022 Program Topics

The 2022 program topics have been developed by our wonderful technical program committee and they have selected a myriad of presentations to showcase within each session. Below are the session descriptions with presenters listed. Here you can find the presentation descriptions.

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Keynote: Considering Multiple Dimensions of Complexity in
Atmospheric Chemistry Models

Presented by: Dr. Kelley Barsanti, Assistant Professor, University of California, Riverside

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New and Emerging Air Pollutants (HAPs, VCPs, PFAS)

Session Chairs: Emma D'Ambro, US EPA & Matt Coggin, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences / NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory

The decline in vehicle emissions in recent decades due to successful air quality regulations has amplified the role of traditionally understudied compounds and environments. Recent work has focused on understanding the atmosphere within indoor environments, where most people spend a majority of their time. Other focuses include persistent pollutants of emerging concern such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), or sources with increasing importance to the overall air pollution burden in urban environments, such as volatile chemical products (VCPs). We invite abstracts describing research aimed at evaluating emissions, chemical transformation, and air quality impacts of organic compounds emitted to the atmosphere from a broad range of sources. We welcome research with perspectives from field campaigns, laboratory experiments, and model simulations.

Current Presenters:
  • Joost de Gouw, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Qindan Zhu, NOAA
  • Jonathan Abbatt, University of Toronto
  • Amber Yeoman, The University of York
  • Rachel O'Brien, University of Michigan
  • Trevor VandenBoer, York University

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New Chemical Regimes

Session Chairs: Ellie Browne, University of Colorado, Boulder & James Lee, University of York / NCAS

Approaching the challenges and opportunities of the coming decades will require an understanding of chemical mechanisms active under new chemical regimes. For instance, the push towards a ‘net-zero’ or ‘carbon neutral’ economy is going to produce significant changes to anthropogenic emissions. This will clearly have a significant effect on levels of air pollution across the globe and therefore it is important to understand not only future emission scenarios, but also any changes in process chemistry affecting secondary pollutant formation. On a different front, measurements of planetary atmospheric composition both within and outside our solar system is becoming increasingly chemically resolved. Future measurements such as from the James Webb telescope, NASA’s Dragonfly mission, the European-Extremely Large Telescope, etc. will provide even more chemical insight, necessitating further knowledge of the relevant chemical mechanisms particularly with regards to the understanding of habitability. This session encourages submissions on atmospheric chemistry of new chemical regimes. This includes potential changes in air pollution under various net zero scenarios, investigation of the effect of COVID related lockdowns on emissions and chemistry of air pollutants, and studies of other planetary atmospheres.

Current Presenters:
  • Beth Nelson, University of York
  • Bin Yuan, Jinan University
  • Alexander Archibald, University of Cambridge & NCAS-Climate
  • Michael Robinson, NOAA CSL

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Atmospheric Chemistry in Public Health and Regulatory Applications

Session Chairs: Melissa Venecek, CARB, Jim Kelly, US EPA

Human health is greatly influenced by atmospheric pollutants such as ground level ozone (O3), particulate matter, and air toxics that can degrade lung function, cause cardiovascular disease, and are associated with other adverse health effects, including mortality. Chemical transport models (CTMs) and their chemical kinetic reaction mechanisms play a critical role in the development of abatement strategies for these pollutants. The chemical mechanism is the core of the CTM, representing chemical reactions by which emitted precursors form secondary pollutants. The following session welcomes presentations on all aspects of atmospheric chemistry and how they influence public health and regulatory applications.

Current Presenters:
  • Jia Xing, Tsinghua University
  • Matthew Coggon, NOAA
  • Zhen Liu, CARB
  • Ying Xiong, Wayne State University

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Mechanism Development and Reduction

Session Chairs: Kelley Barsanti, University of California, Riverside & Tzung-May Fu, Southern University of Science and Technology

This session will focus on advancements in atmospheric chemical mechanisms, including additions of new key reactions based on experimental or computational findings and structure-activity relationships. Presentations focused on development of self-generating and reduced mechanisms for efficient modeling are also welcome.

Current Presenters:
  • Haipeng Lin, Harvard
  • Julia Lee-Taylor, NCAR
  • Makoto Kelp, Harvard
  • Erik Hoffmann, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
  • Havala Pye, US EPA
  • Max McGillen, CNRS
  • Xiaokai Yang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Luc Vereecken, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

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Sulfur Oxidation Advancements – Improving mechanisms and modelling

Session Chairs: Patrick Veres, NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory & Zongbo Shi, University of Birmingham

Gas-phase oxidative chemistry of anthropogenic and biogenic sulfur species is central to secondary aerosol production. Recent work is providing new insights into the production of second-generation oxidation products, such as the recent identification of new dimethyl sulfide oxidation products. Understanding the sulfur budget, both in urban and remote atmosphere, and the formation of higher-generation products is important, as implementation of accurate oxidation mechanisms into models is necessary to better predict the impacts of sulfur emissions in a changing atmosphere. There has been substantial progress towards a more complete mechanistic understanding of sulfur oxidation, from theoretical and modeling studies, to field and laboratory experiments. This session will aim to review our rapidly evolving understanding of sulfur oxidation, and how these advances have changed our understanding of urban and remote atmospheric processes.  

Current Presenters:
  • Anna Novelli, Juelich
  • Matthew Goss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Lorrie Jacob, University of Cambridge
  • Kelvin Bates, University of California, Davis

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Modeling at multiple scales of chemical complexity and spatial resolution

Session Chairs: Kelvin Bates, Harvard & UC Davis, Louisa Emmons, National Center for Atmospheric Research

This session welcomes presentations on all aspects of modeling atmospheric chemistry in box, 1D or 3D models. Of particular interest is comparison of chemical mechanisms, such as updates to current mechanisms, or comparison of very different mechanisms (differing in complexity or in basic structure). Results from variable resolution global models, or comparisons of models at different resolutions are also of interest.

Current Presenters:
  • Rebecca Schwantes, NOAA
  • Ryan Pound, University of York
  • Andreas Tilgner, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
  • James Weber, University of Sheffield
  • Marie Luttkus, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)

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Fundamental Studies of Atmospheric Chemical Mechanisms

Session Chairs: Rebecca Caravan, Argonne National Laboratory, Sally Ng, Georgia Institute of Technology, Matti Rissanen, Tampere University & Max McGillen, CNRS

Atmospheric chemistry can be viewed as a highly complex network of processes in which mainly gas-phase species are transformed towards increasingly oxidized and possibly condensed-phase species. Underpinning this picture of complexity are individual chemical reactions. Fundamental studies of atmospheric chemical mechanisms help to reveal the individual chemical reactions and reaction pathways responsible for influencing and controlling chemical transformation in Earth’s atmosphere, impacting e.g., oxidant budgets and pollutant formation and removal. In this session, we welcome new findings from fundamental studies that are emerging from both laboratory and theoretical studies.

Current Presenters:
  • Barbara Noziere, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Claudia Mohr, Stockholm University
  • Marianne Glasius, Aarhus University
  • Stephen Klippenstein, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Tran Nguyen, UC Davis
  • Anna Ziola, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Christopher Kenseth, University of Washington
  • Haofei Zhang, University of California, Riverside
  • Joel Thornton, University of Washington
  • John Orlando, Atmospheric Chemistry Observations and Modeling (ACOM) Laboratory, NCAR
  • Prasenjit Seal, Tampere University
  • Sara Murphy, California Institute of Technology 
  • Sommer Johansen, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Theo Kurtén, University of Helsinki
  • Theodore Dibble, State University of New York - Environmental Science and Forestry

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